One of the searing issues of the day is, “What role, if any, should the Christian Church play in modern politics and social action?” Here there is a sharp division of opinion. In general it may be said that the liberal wing of Protestantism is convinced that the church as an institution should involve itself […]
Like the apostle Paul, Dr. Machen was a man dedicated to the “defense” as well as the “confirmation” of the gospel. In his sermon on “Shall we Defend the Faith?” he says, “I believe with all my soul in the necessity of Christian apologetics, the necessity of a reasoned defense of the Christian Faith, and […]
Dr. Gordon A. MacLennan, a Presbyterian minister, once paid tribute to J. Gresham Machen at a Westminster Theological Seminary dinner. He said, “What is it in Dr. Machen that stands out above everything else? I have given much thought to my own question. To me the answer does not lie in his scholarship, or in […]
Dr. Henry W. Coray of Goleta, California is a retired minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and an author. THE OUTLOOK greatly appreciates his readiness to comply with the request that he write this article on “Apples of Gold.” This topic was assigned to him because of his outstanding and recognized literary ability, as seen, […]