This is the first article in a new series entitled From Maintenance to Missional. The title might perplex some readers, so allow me to state at the outset my intentions. Conversion growth in Presbyterian and Reformed churches is virtually nonexistent. In my opinion that should, can, and must change. Hence this call for reformation in […]

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Selfless Oneness

Meditation Text: Genesis 2:24–25  Suggested Reading: Proverbs 5   It is no secret that we live in a sex-crazed world. From magazine covers at the check-out counter to television commercials to what the algorithms at YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok feed us, sex is constantly being used to sell us something. On top of that, in […]

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Wife and Mother (Proverbs 31)

The excellent wife and mother as described in Proverbs 31:10–31 sounds discouraging to many women. You would want to follow her shining example, but everything she’s doing sounds unachievable. In this article I would like to encourage you by giving a contemporary flavor to this chapter, showing you that you are probably doing most of […]

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