Did You Know?… The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was one of the most significant cultural, political, and religious events in the history of Europe and helped shape the modern world. It was a complex event spanning over 100 years, which radically changed the way people understood themselves, society, and ultimately how one defines truth. The Protestant Reformation (1517–1648) helped propel the […]

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Heritage, History, and Christian Identity

As thoughtful observers of our cultural moment, American Christians are witnessing an identity crisis of unprecedented proportions. Especially among young people, there is widespread confusion over issues of gender, race, and sexual orientation. The growing bewilderment is matched by increasing rates of suicidal ideation. As more and more teenagers contemplate and plan the taking of […]

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Understanding Reformed Worship

Most of us have attended worship services from infancy, but do we really know and understand the various parts of our Reformed liturgy? When we do the same thing over and over for some length of time we often do it without much thought, and worship may be one of those things. We know why […]

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The Hope of God’s People

Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope. –Zechariah 9:12a, KJV             Everyone has a hope, but where does this hope come from? Many say, “I hope for the best, or I hope so.” This type of hope has no foundation. It has nothing to hold on to. […]

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