1977 Foundation Day Activities in Canadian Christian Schools: Success!

For years the Christian Educational Foundation in the U.S. and more recently since February 20, 1975, the Canadian Christian Education Foundation Inc. has a slogan: Foundation Day Strengthens Christian Schools Through Christian Textbooks. All member NUCS Christian Schools in Canada and in the U.S. are familiar with this historic slogan.

Many students, teachers, school boards, parents, and friends of Christian Education, have been waiting for the final results, once again, on monies collected in each local Christian school in Canada by the students this year.

Foundation Day was designated this year for February 11, 1977, and was observed in most member NUCS Christian Schools in North America. Some schools, however, were forced because of inclement weather this past winter, to postpone Foundation Day. For example, in Clinton, Ontario, because of severe weather conditions during February they decided to hold Foundation Day, April 6, 1977. The same evening, I was privileged to speak to the Parents Teachers Association meeting, at which two students presented yours truly, with a large plastic bag containing monies ($122.31) the total amount collected by the students. This is what two students said: (Jeanette Raidt) – “On behalf of the students of our School, we would like to present this gift to you.” (Ruth Ann Dykstra) – “We hope this money and other gifts you receive will enable you as a Foundation to provide us with many new books.”

Some schools had Foundation Day activities (spread over a week) that were planned and organized by very innovative Student Councils. Activities such as a penny race, a sponge throw (at the teachers), a pizza day, a hot clog day and even student-teacher basketball games, this year raised to-date, well over $6,721.03. This is an increase of $958.26 compared to 1976 figures. The following schools in Canada faithfully participated:


Athens $23.50

Aylmer – Immanuel $75.00

Barrie – Timothy $33.70

Belleville District $25.00

Bowmanville Knox $400.00

Brampton – J. Knox $159.47

Brantford $42.36

Burlington – Trinity $350.00

Chatham – Calvin $153.47

Chatham and District High $96.51

Clinton $122.31

Drayton – Calvin $144.22

Dundas – Calvin $250.00

Dunnville – Parental $76.00

Fruitland – J. Knox $126.30

Georgetown $76.55

Guelph – J. Calvin $22.58

Hamilton – Calvin $131.62

Hamilton Dist. High $79.49

Jarvis $177.55

Kingston $46.00

Kitchener – Laurentian $62.00

Listowel $35.40

London – Parental $22.00

Oshawa – Emmanuel $118.00

Ottawa Christian School Association $78.45

Sarnia $325.14

St. Thomas – Ebenezer $122.20

Strathroy–  J. Calvin $134.74

Thunder Bay $116.35

Rexdale – Timothy $242.09

Woodbridge – Toronto District High $18.37

Trenton $100.00

Wellandport – Calvinistic $220.00

Williamsburg – Timothy $65.00

Woodstock – J. Knox $65.00

Wyoming – J. Knox $41.48


Kentville Kings County 34.00


Winnipeg – Calvin $65.00


Calgary $441.50

Edmonton – East $108.35

North Edmonton $94.73

West Edmonton $129.49

Lacombe $220.00 Lethbridge – Immanuel $204.86 Red Deer $49.00


Abbotsford $270.85

Agassiz $46.95

Burnaby – J. Knox $293.37

Delta – Ladner $60.00

Houston $31.66

Maple Ridge – Haney Pitt $22.39

Surrey – Shannon Heights $30.70 Vancouver $31.13 Victoria – Saanich $108.09

As you can see, more than the majority of our Canadian Christian Schools participated during FOUNDATION DAY week.

The theme this year was Lots of Plusses which refers specifically and primarily to the increasing number of curriculum materials, which are made possible through gifts to the Foundations. In a secondary way, the theme refers to other benefits of observing Foundation Day last February such as appreciating Christian Education.

Both the U.S. Foundation and the Canadian Christian Foundation use these gifts received on Foundation Day, along with other private donations, church offerings, etc. for the writing of new Christian learning materials which the National Union of Christian Schools publishes.

Such curriculum materials are prepared especially for the member NUCS schools in North America and occasionally in other continents. Much is accomplished each year by the NUCS and the respective education committees in each District.

It may not be well known, but the fact is that about 20 students and teacher books and several audio-visual aids are prepared every year. A number of teacher institutes and workshops are also conducted.

Thanks to thousands of students, and their committed Christian teachers, Foundation Day activities were indeed a success again this year. Yes, Foundation Day has been a Signal blessing year after year. As a funding organization for the member NUCS schools in Canada, we will continue to work and pray, soliciting funds from across Canada, so that we, CCEF and CSEF, may be able to continue to underwrite the ongoing curriculum program.

This year, the Foundation is committed to underwrite $30,000.00 worth of Curriculum projects and the U.S. Foundation is committed to underwrite well over $62,000.00. Isn’t this Lots of Plusses?

Textbooks, Christian textbooks that open up our Father’s world to the student, are the reason for us being the underwriters. We helieve so strongly in the need for sound, wcllresearched, profeSsionally produced and Christ-centered learning materials that it has become our full-time concern to “drum up” support throughout Canada to benefit NUCS schools. Our children–yes, God’s precious children–will need Christian learning materials not only this year, but in years to come, so that they may become mature Christians for the secular world which awaits them, when they leave the halls of learning.

We are grateful that again this year‘s Foundation Day activities in the member NUCS schools across Canada from coast to coast was a success. We trust that those schools that did not participate this year on Foundation Day will also join us for 1978 to collect for curricular development for the NUCS. All monies raised on Foundation Day will be used for current curriculum expenses toward our goal of $30,000.00 this year.

We are grateful for the positive support shown towards the work and program of the CCEF by our students, teachers and parents alike across Canada. As one of the teachers wrote in his letter: “As the need for Christian Education becomes more and more apparent to people so also the need for Christian curriculum material becomes more necessary. Our students enjoyed donating this money for this important cause and we all together, as a Christian School society, wish you God’s blessing as you continue your work in curriculum development for the Christian schools.”

We are happy with this kind of support and tremendous response shown by teachers and students alike to see that they really had a part in giving of their ti me and effort for Foundation Day.

The God of the Scripture requires us that we shall instruct our children diligently in “His wonderful works that he hath done” (Ps.78:4). In order to effectively accomplish this God-given mandate, we need tools for our Christian teachers in our schools, so that our children will be trained with a Christ-centered curriculum program.

That is why we are so thankful and pleased that, despite our weaknesses in our Christian schools, we still find a strong united emphasis on intellectual achievements and a better understanding ror a sound, well-balanced curriculum program.

Despite the high costs involved, with the help of and generous support of students, teachers, and parents the following books have been published by the NUCS:


4–6 Revelation Response – 2nd edition, student and teacher books, new and revised.

Biblical Perspectivesa six book series on Christian ethics for high school students.


Confederation in Canada – a Christian interpretation of the British North American Act.

The Reformation – another student book in the Christian Perspective in History Series.

Famous Persons in New France – a reader for 5th graders especially in Canadian Christian schools. Trial edition.

Difficult Journey – a study book on the Native People of Western Canada, a counterpart of Three Indian Tribes of the Southwest. Trial edition.

3. ART

Children’s Art and the Christian Teacher – revised, with an appealing soft cover.


Hymn of the Month – teaching materials to promote hymn singing in schools, hOllies, amI churches. Instrumental scores available too.

Folk Hymnal – a popular hook of songs selected through NUCS sponsored contest.


Soundings – a series of five thematically arranged literature books for grades 6–8. Usable for grades 5–9. Top-notch Christian reader series with international scope.

6. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Changing God’s World – grades 9–12. A student book on sensitive nrens of Christian thought. Trial edition.

Reading God’s Worlda laboratory-centered science curriculum for grades 4–6. Many units in trial editions. Accent is on knowing creation.

Using God’s World – several student books—units—for grades 4-6 with accent on the wise use of God’s world. Also trial editions.

Needless to say this list is not exhaustive. For a complete list of publications, write us and see for yourself how yom gift to both the CSEF and CCEF is working.

May God give us together the courage and commitment to unitedly underwrite the ongoing Curriculum program as channeled through and approved by the National Union of Christian Schools Board of Directors for the benefit of all member schools. Through this kind of common commitment, I am confident God will continue to bless our humble efforts.

As communities, or individuals, have we done our share in this part of God’s kingdom for the sake of His precious children? It‘s a matter of the Heart, His, Yours, and the CCEF’s. We together with the Christian school teachers confess: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good Understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever” (Ps. 111:10).