Reformed Fellowship News from Canada

NEWS FROM LONDON CHAPTER – On Wednesday, May 23, another membership meeting was held for the London Area Reformed Fellowship Chapter, which comprises a large part of Southwestern Ontario. The meeting was held in the new Ontario Hydro Building in London, Ontario.

The speaker at the meeting was Rev. John J. Byker of the Second Christian Reformed Church of Toronto. He outlined for us how Report 36/44 of the Christian Reformed Church has actually opened the gate for the new theology to gain entrance among us.

In this year’s Agenda for the Synod of the Christian Reformed Church Rev. Byker found several reports that contain decidely unscriptural elements and as such lead us away from Reformed thinking. They are, for example, the reports on homosexuality, Neo-Pentecostalism, Women in Ecclesiastical Office, Ecclesiastical Office and Ordination.

A recurring note in these reports is that the Reformed view on certain of these issues “cannot be found in Scripture.” This is astounding, for during previous centuries these Reformed views were based on what our predecessors found in Scripture!

About Report 44 (which allows certain Bible criticism), a minister had said, “I can live with it.” “But,” said Rev. Byker, “You cannot die with it.”

He warned us that to stand up for the truth might cause us untold hardships and that we might have “to die for it.”

After this moving speech we had recess. After recess the young people met in the cafeteria with Rev. and Mrs. Byker, who discussed with them the evangelism methods of the Cape Coral Orthodox Presbyterian Church and urged them to take such training in evangelism. At the same time, the members of the Reformed Fellowship met in the main auditorium to adopt a chapter constitution and to vote for more Board members, representing different areas and denominations. Following are members of the Board:

Rev. L. T. Schalkwyk (St. Thomas) President
Mr. H. Nieman (London) Vice-President
Rev. L. Bilkes (St. Thomas) second Vice-President
Mr. H. Nymeyer (St. Thomas) Secretary-Treasurer
Mr. J. Kikkert (Woodstock) second Secretary-Treasurer
Mr. J. Feenstra (Petrolia)
Mr. A. Korvemaker (Wyoming)
Rev. J. Van Stempvoort (Lucknow)
Mr. C. De Jong (Samia)
Mr. W. Kleefman (Samia)
Mr. C. Westerveld (Iona Station)
Mr. J. Pennings (St. Thomas)
Mr. A. Neutel (Woodstock)
Mr. J. De Vries (Burgesville)

The London Area Chapter now has well over 100 members, and a growing percentage consists of young couples. Plans are being made for more mass Rallies in the fall of 1973. Watch for further announcements.

NEWS FROM HAMILTON CHAPTER – The newly established Hamilton chapter comprises the Niagara Peninsula and north of Hamilton, up to Guelph, Kitchencr and Collingwood.

The Board members are:

Rev. J. Tangelder (Wellandport) President
Mr. K. Gritter (Fenwick) Vice-President
Mr. H. Vander Zwaag (Hamilton) Secretary
Mr. R. Kingma (St. Ann’s) Treasurer
Mr. P. De Haan (Hamilton)

The chapter has ambitious plans of having a membership and THE OUTLOOK promotion campaign and had a good membership meeting at the Mount Hamilton Christian Reformed Church on April 26. Two delegates were appointed to serve as representatives in order to synchronize rallies and speaking tours.

The Hamilton Chapter plans a panel discussion on the “New Left in Christian Education” to be held in the fall. One of the panel members will be Rev. W. De Jong of Dunnville, Ontario. More ncws about this next time.

Chapters, keep the news coming to: Box 271, St. Thomas, Ontario.

We also plan to report from time to time some decisions and activities by the National Reformed Fellowship Board in Toronto.