On May 25 a group of men from various parts of Ontario met with representatives of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. to consider the possibility of the formation of an affiliate organization here in Canada. On this same evening the Reformed Fellowship of Canada was organized.
The people who formed this organization were drawn together out of a commonly felt need to speak out clearly concerning the many spirits and movements facing the churches and their members today. We believe that this calls for clear expression of the Reformed faith, which we consider a precious heritage. We believe that it calls for direct confrontation with voices which question this faith—which raise questions concerning the infallible Bible, and/or our confessional expression of God’s Word in our Reformed Standards.
Orthodox-Reformed – We confess to be orthodox and Reformed. We want to give expression to that of which the Apostle Paul spoke when he said to Timothy: “Hold the pattern of sound words which thou hast heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus” (II Tim. 1:13). And again: “And the things which thou hast heard from me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (II Tim. 2:2).
We believe that our churches have rightly understood the Word of God as they came to confessional expression in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, the Westminster Confession, and the Westminster Catechisms.
It is our aim to stimulate a greater sensitivity in the members of our churches who confess this faith. Hopefully we would challenge such confessors to see the total relevancy of the Bible to all of life and to study to come to greater competence in wielding the sword of the Spirit.
We believe the Bible to be the inerrant and infallible Word of God. We believe that it is the only Word of God given to us whereby we may come to know the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. We believe that in Him it is totally sufficient “. . . that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work.”
Are We Conservative? – Yes. But we retain the right to define this word ourselves!
We want to conserve the heritage of the fathers. We believe that God has been true to His promise that He would lead His church into all the truth. We would conserve it!
We want to conserve the confessions of the churches as living confessions for all of life. We believe that they must constantly stand under the criticism of the greater standard, the Bible, but would emphasize that criticisms of these confessions must be adequately proven to the churches before they may receive any measure of acceptance.
We want to conserve the traditions of the fathers. Not simply because they are traditions! We want to conserve them because our God has told us to grow in this way (Prov. 1 ff.). We recognize that they must always remain open to the criticism of the Word of God.
We want to conserve simple adherence to the Word of God in faith. We share with Paul, as we have learned from the Spirit speaking through him, the earnest desire to shun the wisdom of men (I Cor. 1, 2).
Constructive and Critical – We do believe that to be Reformed means to be reforming. We do not believe that the Spirit of God stopped His leading with our fathers. However, we emphatically deny that He failed them. We deny that He broke with the leading He gave them, to strike out in different paths.
We will be constructive as builders in the building which Cod has given, which He has also used our fathers to build down through the history of the churches. We want to be instrumental in causing the faith-life of God’s people to grow. We do not believe that that historic building must first be torn down.
We want to speak to the issues and problems of the day from the platform of the faith of our fathers. We believe that our churches and our schools need further building, but not rebuilding.
We intend to speak out unequivocally against liberalism wherever it raises its head. We intend to speak out against the cry for the radically new. We believe that all the new must stand the test of intense criticism. We intend to speak out against all attacks on the Bible. Not that we believe that the Bible needs defending, but the adherence of God’s people to the Bible must be defended at all costs.
“The Outlook” – THE OUTLOOK is the journal of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Its purpose is clearly stated in its masthead, “. . . to give sharpened expression to this [Reformed] Faith, to stimulate the doctrinal sensitivities of those who profess this Faith, to promote the spiritual welfare and purity of the Christian Reformed Church in particular and also of other Reformed churches, and as far as possible to further the interests of all Christian action and institutions of Reformed character.”
We will be sharing in the use of this journal and heartily recommend it for the purpose stated above. Subscription is $5.00 per year ($9.00 for two years) and can be obtained from THE OUTLOOK, P.O. Box 7383, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49510.
Our Outlook – We confess that we are pilgrims. We have here no abiding city. Our perspective is to the Christ who has ascended and who will again descend for the final culmination of all things. His kingdom is that in which we labor, “seek[ing] those things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God.”
We do want to work constructively in His church and kingdom. There is much work to do, bringing home the Word of God to the hearts of men under the blessing of the Holy Spirit. We do not believe that men can set about to establish that kingdom anywhere—it is established!
Organization – The organization has chosen a board to work for them for the present. These men are: President, Rev. Harry Van Dyken; Vice-president, Rev. Leonard T. Schalkwyk; Secretary, Henry Bergsma; and Treasurer, John De Boer.
We have adopted the constitution of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. as our own. Certain modifications may be made to fit the Canadian situation.
We solicit members and support from those who share with us in our purpose and intent. The address of the Secretary is Mr. Henry Bergsma, 20 Franson Dr., Downsview, Ontario.
Heartiest congratulations and Godspeed to this newly organized Reformed Fellowship of Canada!
The people who formed this organization were drawn together out of a commonly felt need to speak out clearly concerning the many spirits and movements facing the churches and their members today. We believe that this calls for clear expression of the Reformed faith, which we consider a precious heritage. We believe that it calls for direct confrontation with voices which question this faith—which raise questions concerning the infallible Bible, and/or our confessional expression of God’s Word in our Reformed Standards.
Orthodox-Reformed – We confess to be orthodox and Reformed. We want to give expression to that of which the Apostle Paul spoke when he said to Timothy: “Hold the pattern of sound words which thou hast heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus” (II Tim. 1:13). And again: “And the things which thou hast heard from me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (II Tim. 2:2).
We believe that our churches have rightly understood the Word of God as they came to confessional expression in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, the Westminster Confession, and the Westminster Catechisms.
It is our aim to stimulate a greater sensitivity in the members of our churches who confess this faith. Hopefully we would challenge such confessors to see the total relevancy of the Bible to all of life and to study to come to greater competence in wielding the sword of the Spirit.
We believe the Bible to be the inerrant and infallible Word of God. We believe that it is the only Word of God given to us whereby we may come to know the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ. We believe that in Him it is totally sufficient “. . . that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work.”
Are We Conservative? – Yes. But we retain the right to define this word ourselves!
We want to conserve the heritage of the fathers. We believe that God has been true to His promise that He would lead His church into all the truth. We would conserve it!
We want to conserve the confessions of the churches as living confessions for all of life. We believe that they must constantly stand under the criticism of the greater standard, the Bible, but would emphasize that criticisms of these confessions must be adequately proven to the churches before they may receive any measure of acceptance.
We want to conserve the traditions of the fathers. Not simply because they are traditions! We want to conserve them because our God has told us to grow in this way (Prov. 1 ff.). We recognize that they must always remain open to the criticism of the Word of God.
We want to conserve simple adherence to the Word of God in faith. We share with Paul, as we have learned from the Spirit speaking through him, the earnest desire to shun the wisdom of men (I Cor. 1, 2).
Constructive and Critical – We do believe that to be Reformed means to be reforming. We do not believe that the Spirit of God stopped His leading with our fathers. However, we emphatically deny that He failed them. We deny that He broke with the leading He gave them, to strike out in different paths.
We will be constructive as builders in the building which Cod has given, which He has also used our fathers to build down through the history of the churches. We want to be instrumental in causing the faith-life of God’s people to grow. We do not believe that that historic building must first be torn down.
We want to speak to the issues and problems of the day from the platform of the faith of our fathers. We believe that our churches and our schools need further building, but not rebuilding.
We intend to speak out unequivocally against liberalism wherever it raises its head. We intend to speak out against the cry for the radically new. We believe that all the new must stand the test of intense criticism. We intend to speak out against all attacks on the Bible. Not that we believe that the Bible needs defending, but the adherence of God’s people to the Bible must be defended at all costs.
“The Outlook” – THE OUTLOOK is the journal of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Its purpose is clearly stated in its masthead, “. . . to give sharpened expression to this [Reformed] Faith, to stimulate the doctrinal sensitivities of those who profess this Faith, to promote the spiritual welfare and purity of the Christian Reformed Church in particular and also of other Reformed churches, and as far as possible to further the interests of all Christian action and institutions of Reformed character.”
We will be sharing in the use of this journal and heartily recommend it for the purpose stated above. Subscription is $5.00 per year ($9.00 for two years) and can be obtained from THE OUTLOOK, P.O. Box 7383, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49510.
Our Outlook – We confess that we are pilgrims. We have here no abiding city. Our perspective is to the Christ who has ascended and who will again descend for the final culmination of all things. His kingdom is that in which we labor, “seek[ing] those things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God.”
We do want to work constructively in His church and kingdom. There is much work to do, bringing home the Word of God to the hearts of men under the blessing of the Holy Spirit. We do not believe that men can set about to establish that kingdom anywhere—it is established!
Organization – The organization has chosen a board to work for them for the present. These men are: President, Rev. Harry Van Dyken; Vice-president, Rev. Leonard T. Schalkwyk; Secretary, Henry Bergsma; and Treasurer, John De Boer.
We have adopted the constitution of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. as our own. Certain modifications may be made to fit the Canadian situation.
We solicit members and support from those who share with us in our purpose and intent. The address of the Secretary is Mr. Henry Bergsma, 20 Franson Dr., Downsview, Ontario.
Heartiest congratulations and Godspeed to this newly organized Reformed Fellowship of Canada!